
I graduated from University of New South Wales, Australia with a degree in Computer Science. Ever since I have changed roles many times, a programmer, a system/network administrator and user support, and eventually a full stack web applications developer. And I have been doing web application development the past 12 years and thoroughly enjoying it.

For anyone familiar with the work of web development, you will know it is really a vast field. Technology changes every few months, and that just in the web development arena. It's almost impossible to keep up to speed with what you already know, much less to learn new stuff.

In the past 12 years I have worked on both front-end and back-end development, switching back and forth. Being a self learner, I have worked with many different technology stacks. Started off with a PHP framework, then a Ruby on Rails, Microsoft ASP, and on to Javascript frameworks. The stack I use depends very much on where I work, of course. Currently working at University of North Carolina, where I use Laravel and Vue.js in pretty much most of my projects and also Wordpress. Being a person who enjoys learning new technology, I am not intimidated by the prospects having to learn a new tool or language.

Outside my work, I enjoy reading technology news. And with whatever little spare time I have, that isn't taken up by my family, I take time to try out new technology, to build applications. I recently built a full PWA application using a new framework called Quasar and Firebase, just to try out what I read. Curiosity is always the driving force in this. I also watch a lot, and I mean alot, of Youtube tutorial videos to learn new technology, even those I may not end up using.


Some of my past projects

Add Health

The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) is a longitudinal study of a nationally representative sample of over 20,000 adolescents who were in grades 7-12 during the 1994-95 school year, and have been followed for five waves to date, most recently in 2016-18.

Teen Driving Log

A Progressive Web App for logging teen drivers' practice hours, as a requirement in the state of North Carolina. Keeps track of the minutes of driving practice, save the data online accessible on both mobile devices and desktop. Being a PWA, installation is simple. This project used Vue.js, Quasar and Firebase.

Add Health Panel Maintenance

Website application to communicate general information specifically to research respondents of the Add Health longitudinal study research project, and to provide the platform to update their personal contact information. This site also serves as a hub for collecting study data from various sources for the study projects within Add Health. The Add Health research project is part of the Carolina Population Center under the University of North Carolina. This project uses Laravel, Vue.js, Bootstrap and MariaDB.

Coconut Surveillance for Malaria control

A mobile app and dashboard for malaria surveillance used in Zanzibar. The project aimed at bringing Coconut to a level where its usage can be adapted to more countries battling malaria. The second goal was to enable an integration to the DHIS2 health management information system. The app was built using Javascript, BackboneJS and CouchDB.


A interactive dashboard data presentation showing current bio-specimens available for withdrawal from the Human Milk Biorepository. Written in Javascript and DC3.

EDD Calculator

A simple EDD (Expected Date of Delivery) calculator for mobile device like smartphone or tablets to be used on the field during survey data collection by Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health Research.
Written in Javascript


A database of local doctors in an Asian country, that connects the public to the doctors, the doctors to the pharmaceutical and medical related companies, and doctors to the medical facilities within the country. This project was developed with Ruby on Rails and MySQL.

My Resume

Stephen Loo

Raleigh NC   |

I am a Full Stack Applications Developer who is solution focused, non-tools opinionated, multi languages and stacks literate, with 10+ years experience building and supporting web applications for different industries. Able to function independently or within a team.

A self starter with ongoing curiosity for acquiring new knowledge. Especially interested to read blogs on how others apply their skills in their problems solving.

What I have to offer:
  • Work with clients in a professional manner.
  • Perform requirements study, deliverable, and milestones.
  • Design and implement solutions based on defined specs.
  • Develop, test and deploy production-ready applications.
  • Troubleshoot coding problems and issues throughout the stack.
  • Research and implement new solutions to meet new challenges.
  • Mentor junior developers.


Front end development
CSS Layout/Grids, Data Formats, REST APIs, Data Visualization, Responsive Web Design, Single Page Applications, PWA, Package Managers , Charts/Graphs, AJAX, Offline Web Apps.
Back end development
Implementing web framework, Database design and creation, integration and management, APIs, Server Security, SSO, Public Clouds setup, Docker Containers.
Currently active skillset
Laravel, VueJS, Wordpress, PHP, Javascript, NodeJS, MySQL, Bootstrap, CSS, Apache, Ubuntu, Git
Past Hard Skills
Ruby, MongoDB, Firebase, CouchDB, Material Design, HTML5, D3/DC.js, Nginx, AWS, GitHub, Dockers, SVN, JIRA, Ruby on Rails, ASP .NET Core MVC, ExpressJS, Joomla, TypeScript, Golang, GraphQL


University of New South Wales, Australia.
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

Work Experience

Carolina Population Center, UNC Chapel Hill
Web Applications Developer - 08/2019 – current
  • Provide support to The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health managing a representative sample of over 20,000 participants.
  • Developed applications from ground up for managing the research data from external data collection sources, imported and deliver reports for analysis.
  • Created Integration for research data transmission in both direction, with multiple third party contractors.
  • Actively providing solutions to support data portal services that maintain data on population, health, aging, and the environment, and share data and findings that push the field forward and train the next generation of population scholars.
RTI International, RTP NC
Research Programmer Analyst - 08/2014 – 01/2019
Member of the ICT group that delivers solutions to the other research groups within the institute, focusing on a variety of research projects related to health, education and social issues primarily in the third world countries.
  • Implemented study instrumentations for survey data collection using ODK.
  • Built mobile calculator apps to assist survey data collection on the field.
  • Built mobile app and dashboard for malaria surveillance used in Zanzibar.
  • Built a dashboard for data presentation for the Federal Annual Survey of Jails.
  • Built a Report Builder dashboard using Ruby on Rails for the Envision Neglected Tropical Diseases Database.
  • Built a prototype of Real-time Sentinel Surveillance system for Ebola.
  • Built reporting modules in PHP for the Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria project.
  • Built and implement a data collection mobile app to help improve schools attendance in refugee camps in Kenya.
NC Translational & Clinical Science Institute, UNC Chapel Hill, NC
Web Developer - 02/2014 – 07/2014
  • Enhanced existing in-house applications with new functionalities, refactoring the current codes for improvements.
  • Revamped their Joomla website with new features and functionalities.
  • Introduced new developer tools to improve team cooperation.
  • Pushed for and implement SVN version control for the project team.
  • Brought tangible results to the team, even though on a temporary contract position.
Self Employed, Raleigh-Durham
Freelance Developer - 05/2013 – 01/2014
Built and launched a startup web project for a medical doctor-entrepreneur in Malaysia, to connect the public, the doctors, pharmaceutical and medical related companies in the country. This was a remote full stack Ruby on Rails project that included defining concepts and requirements, database design, user interface design, development and deployment, and a successful launch.
Church Initiative LLC, Wake Forest, NC
Web Applications Developer - 11/2011 – 04/2013
  • Maintained multiple corporate websites including a social network site (Ruby on Rails applications).
  • Migrated all legacy PHP-based sites to ROR stack.
  • Adding modules for new functionalities based on new business requirements.
  • Supported ERP & CRM on the NetSuite Financial software suite.
Self Employed, Sacramento, CA
Freelance Developer - 2009 – 2010
  • Worked with a ROR shop maintaining its client’s preexisting Ruby on Rails/PHP applications.
  • Helped a startup company to develop and launch an e-commerce site for online retailing of medical supplies.
Emulex Corp, Roseville, CA
Web Applications Developer - 2007 – 2009
  • Supported legacy PHP web applications and CRM sites.
  • Migrated legacy system to MS SharePoint, migrated legacy data from MySQL to Oracle
  • Built new in-house applications to support the corporate business processes and their engineering department.

Example of past projects

Kenya Equity Education Project II [KEEP II] (2018) Co-developer.

Works with World University Services of Canada to implement KEEP II in Kakuma and Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya. The project objective is to support refugee children so they can access quality education despite the difficult living conditions. Of particular interest is ensuring equitable enrollment of refugee girls in school; their retention in school; support for good academic performance; and, tied to this, support for livelihoods for their families. Participated in the design, development, and deployment of an offline technology solution that will automate the monitoring process to achieve efficiency and effectiveness.

Annual Survey of Jails (2017 – 2018) Programmer.

The Annual Survey of Jails is a program to collect data from a nationally representative sample of local jails on jail inmate populations, jail capacity, and related information. The 2015 version was administered in tandem with the 2015 Deaths in Custody Reporting Program to reduce respondent burden and minimize cost. Part of a team of programmers that rewrites the existing application, which will serve as a separate application from the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program.

Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (2017 – 2018) Programmer.

This program, funded by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, collects quarterly inmate death records from each of the nation’s 50 state prison systems and 3,095 jail jurisdictions using a multimode approach involving telephone screening, paper or Web questionnaire response, and various modes of nonresponse or data quality follow-up. Supports the existing Web application, resolving issues, adding new features, and so on.

Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria [CARB-X] (2017 to 2019) Developer.

CARB-X is a nonprofit public- private partnership dedicated to accelerating antibacterial research to tackle the global rising threat of drug-resistant bacteria. With more than $500 million to invest, CARB-X funds the best science from around the world. The CARB-X portfolio is the world’s largest early development pipeline of new antibiotics, vaccines, rapid diagnostics, and other products to prevent and treat life-threatening bacterial infections. As part of a team of developers, supports and enhances the private CARB-X Web application as the requirements evolve. Creating new reports with dynamic data visualizations, multiple layers, and various types of applications, using a custom PHP-based framework for development and delivery of the Web site.

International Programs to Combat Trafficking in Persons, Tanzania (2017) Consultant.

Supporting the team that works with the Tanzanian government to prevent human trafficking. Recommended and implemented a project collaboration tool (Asana) to help improve team member communication and file sharing pertaining to project. Serves in a consultant capacity for the team .

Women’s Global Health Imperative (WGHI) (2016) Programmer.

This program conducts rigorous epidemiological, biomedical, and socio behavioral research to identify and intervene on factors that affect infectious disease and chronic health outcomes. These research findings are used to inform the design and implementation of new programs, monitoring and evaluation systems, and health policies around the world. As a Programmer-Analyst , I help create the instrumentation survey forms implemented in multiple languages using the Open Data Kit (ODK) software platform. These forms are deployed on tablets on the field for research data collection. Also provide technical support and consultation on the implementations.

Coconut Surveillance for Malaria Control (Coconut) (2016) Programmer.

Part of a team of developers working to expand and upgrade the scope of Coconut Surveillance software. Coconut has been used by Zanzibar Malaria Control as a key component for their malaria elimination strategy. The project aimed at bringing Coconut to a level where its usage can be adapted to more countries battling malaria. The second goal was to enable an integration to the DHIS2 health management information system used in 47 countries and 23 organizations across four continents.

Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health Research (2015- 2019) Programmer.

Global Network is a partnership dedicated to improving maternal and child health outcomes and building health research capacity in resource-poor settings by testing cost-effective, sustainable interventions that provide guidance for the practice of evidence-based medicine. The major goal of this project is the development, testing, and adaptation of cost- effective, integrated biomedical, behavioral, social, and public health interventions to reduce premature morbidity and mortality among reproductive-age women and young children in developing countries. Each site will conduct its own research protocol. Systems include PC and mobile handheld technologies. Sites include the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, Argentina, Kenya, Zambia, India and Pakistan. My role was to serve as a developer, develops software solutions and improvements for data collection, trains users, and builds capacity at the international sites, provide technical support to each site to facilitate the data collection and transmission.

Real-time Sentinel Surveillance System for Ebola and Other Emerging Infections (2015 ). Programmer.

The goal is to generalize RTI’s Coconut Surveillance mobile software used for malaria surveillance and response in Zanzibar, Africa, to be a real-time sentinel surveillance system for Ebola and TB and pilot test functionality at up to 14 clinical sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where existing surveillance infrastructure is limited at the local level.

Combination Prevention for Vulnerable Women in South Africa (WHC+) (2015). Programmer.

The goal of this National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-funded study is to compare the effectiveness of the standard test, treat, and retain model (TTR) versus an enhanced, woman-focused model that integrates the TTR with the Women’s Health CoOp PLUS intervention (WHC+), among vulnerable, high-risk women in Tshwane, South Africa. My role was to help develop the instrumentation forms using KoboToolbox. These forms will be implemented on tablets on the field for research data collection. Also provide technical support and consultation on the implementations.

NTD Envision Database (2014 to 2015) Programmer.

Primary developer for implementing the Report Builder website to further enhance the NTD Database site. The NTD Database website is used to collect, store, and analyze monitoring and evaluation data reported by USAID-supported projects working to control and eliminate neglected tropical diseases. The Report Builder is designed to extend the reporting capability of the NTD Database site, introducing the flexibility of extracting reports from current data. Although built as a separate site using the Ruby on Rails framework, it was designed to be seamlessly integrated with the NTD Database site, which runs on Drupal and PHP. Project tasks include understanding the data schema from the NTD Database, setting up new AWS web and database servers, designing the data schema and setting up the database, creating the User Interface prototype to demonstrates the system functionality, setting up the deployment to the staging and production servers, and launching the application.


A contact form is in the making.

In the meantime, I can be reached at: steveloo at isignin dot com